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Master in Healing Shock
Logo OPH Energy Path

In our lifetime we have all received small or big shocks. When it happens, we feel frozen, paralyzed, we often have the sensation of being lost, cut off, we feel a sense of shame that we cannot explain.

Shocks are black holes in the aura, which we experience when we are in these uncomfortable situations.

Each of us knows what that means, as we can remember many times when we have felt guilty or inadequate because of a trauma suffered. The difficulties we met within us are self-perpetuating since they often manifest themselves with a difficulty in communicating and sharing these moods with others and all this can make us feel hopeless.

The method of "shock healing" was created more than 20 years ago in Osho's ashram. The Master teaches to intervene on shock states through a process that is based on a particular energetic technique of conscious regression that facilitates the dissolution of trauma and wounds that have been created in the past.

Through the Osho Prana Healing and the hara work, a powerful healing process takes place that fills old wounds with vital energy.


Open to those who participated in OPH 2

OPH Energy Path

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