IT | EN | PT

Inner Rainbow 1
22 May - 25 May 2025 Logo OPH Energy Path

The chakras are an energy map that is reflected in the human being, in the world of energy everything is in movement and everything is born harmonious but, in the human being, experiences, conditioning
and beliefs vitiate this functionality, creating an energetic and consequently physical/emotional disharmony. By understanding the movement of the 7 main chakras, we will explore their main characteristics,
the light and shadow qualities, how they act on our being; this will allow us to resonate with ourselves and understand in which areas we flow and in which we act as protections, how this is reflected in
our lives and prevents us from being totally ourselves: it is separation that creates the deepest pain of being, especially when we separate ourselves from our own natural essence and uniqueness.
Starting from the first chakra, the foundations, the roots, necessary to sink our feet-roots into mother earth-life, we will highlight our journey towards the Divine, showing our unique Beauty.
This workshop allows you to relax in what is known and from there look, with love, at what is kept hidden. We will go beyond duality: there is light and there is shadow. Both are necessary to recognize
the other aspect. Integrating ourselves, going beyond the dual, is the aim of this work. The workshop was born from the experience of metaphysics and energetic movements through the OPH method. We will use active meditative techniques from the world of Osho, body exercises, dance
and explorations relevant to each energy center, furthermore, sharing spaces will allow you to mirror yourself in the other and reclaim forgotten aspects of yourself.
It is open to everyone, no previous experience is necessary.

Location information

Osho Miasto
Osho Miasto
Osho Miasto
Osho Miasto

Request information

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  • 0577 960124


  • Podere San Giorgio, 16, 53031 Casole d'Elsa SI